We automate Complex Academic Operations in Premier Business schools & Universities.

Are you facing challenges with Academic Planning, Timetable Scheduling, Course Bidding, Placement operations & managing the International student exchange processes? We're here to help.

Why is EDTEX Solving Automation  Problems?

We digitally transform Premier Business Schools & Universities by streamlining operations, enhancing student success through intelligent touchpoints, and empowering institutions to scale admissions and resources with precision.

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Student Users Annually

How our customers benefitted from EDTEX Solutions?

When institutions choose us, they stay with us—as evidenced by over 95% retention rate over 7 years.

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How did our Users Adapt Automation?

How did we address their pain points?

What makes EDTEX Automation Stick ?

Empowering University Automation for 2035

Our SaaS Solutions for Programme and Placement Offices have been extensively used in real-time environments by thousands of users. Product Workbenches are deployed on the EDTEX Cloud with dedicated tenets for each Client and are scalable as per the number of users .

Consulting Academic Process

Universities are not focused on the technology itself; they pursue technology to tackle operational and digital transformation challenges.EDTEX helps envision a customer journey by consulting and implementing solutions to effectively resolve critical process pain points.

Support Systems

A dedicated support system is essential for successfully deploying Student Success & Process automation solutions. Technical workshops, user power guides, email, live chat, and video conferencing provide on-demand support during onboarding and active solution usage.

Security & Privacy

Customer data is safeguarded using industry-leading security practices, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards such as EU GDPR and the Digital Personal Data Protection Act of 2023 in India. We sign specific Data Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with each of our Client.

System Integrations

EDTEX platforms have seamlessly integrated data transfer according to custom specifications with Oracle ERP, SAP ERP, Ellucian and Anthology Student platforms through API integration. User logins are also supported with SSO Gmail and Microsoft email accounts.


The days of process operations data being confined within disconnected IT systems of various functional offices are over. EDTEX SaaS facilitates the extraction of detailed data in tailored reports and dashboards for analysis and data-driven decision-making.

Functional Scope of our Solutions

Digitally Transform Academic & Placement Operations

More Information


The most popular Academic ERP - Student Information System software powers end to end digital transformation and process automation in the Top 100 ranking Business Schools globally.


#1 in India, Skynet is the most successful end to end Placements Automation Platform, used by over 5000 students and 200+ MNCs in Top 25 ranking Business and Technolgy schools of India.


The Most Powerful Timetable Scheduling Automation Software Powered by AI, helps reduce clashes by upto 100% & Optimize Timtables across programmes & efficiently manage reschedules with 100% visibility.

Impact of Analytics, Integrated SaaS Systems on University Academic Operations Automation 2024

The landscape of higher education is rapidly evolving, driven by advancements in technology and the increasing demand for efficient, data-driven solutions.

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