We automate complex academic processes throughout the student lifecycle.
Over 100,000 students use our products in their academic journey
We streamlined the elective course bidding process at IIM Ahmedabad and then expanded to automate academic workflows over 25 premier institutions.

Anil Vishwanadhula
Anil is an alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad and IIT Guwahati. Before EDTEX, Anil worked as a program manager at Microsoft and as a technical lead at Yahoo!

Arun Korupolu
Arun is an alumnus of the University of Cologne, Germany.Before EDTEX, Arun worked as a product manager in analytics.
Our Differentiators
Our diverse team comprises of graduates from prestigious institutions from IIT, IIITs & IIMs in India
Deep Technical Skills
Our technology team comprises graduates from IITs and IIITs, who represent the top 3% of their graduating classes. They possess in-depth, hands-on experience in full-stack software development, scaling software deployments to handle thousands of users, developing scalable technologies and solutions specific to each customer, and in AI algorithm development.
Solutions Know How
We possess extensive experience in aiding higher education institutions in digitally transforming their critical academic processes through specific solution design and implementation. Our expertise empowers institutions to automate critical processes, scale up offerings, and enhance student intake while optimizing resources.
We have nearly a decade of hands-on experience implementing process automation, digitization, solution design, and implementation. Our R&D efforts focus on the continuous development of advanced algorithms and scalable technology, with the ultimate goal of enhancing the student academic lifecycle experience in universities.
Customer Satisfaction
We have extensively implemented multichannel support systems to support our customers onboard and utilize our solutions. We assist our customers in succeeding by making data-driven decisions in strategic planning, quality improvement, and resource allocation, leading to exponential improvements in the end-user experience.
Our Journey
We Identified the need and demand for academic operations SaaS solutions from HEIs, and deployed the Registro Course Bidding Software System, improving the student experience and success with selective electives at IIM Ahmedabad. Know More
"The Second Customer Proves the Validity of YourBusiness Idea"
We Founded EDTEX in 2017 and implemented the Registro Elective Course Bidding Solution atIIM Calcutta. During our visit to IIM Calcutta, the IIMC Placerep team narrated the need for a Placement Automation Solution.
They referred to the platform they needed as"Skynet," which we built in 2018.
"We have 3 Solutions in 2018"
1. We Successfully Optimized and Digitized Multi-programme Elective Course Bidding & Timetable scheduling at IIM Bangalore.
2. The Second Important Milestone included the Placement Day 0-1 Process Digitization and Automation at XLRI Jamshedpur.
3. The Third Important Milestone involved designing a solution for Digitization and Automation of PGP admissions Process at IIM Ahmedabad.
"We built our 4th Solution"
We built Registro Exchange Platform and successfully Deployed it the only platform to Connect 100+ Business Schools Globally, digitize both the Incoming & Outgoing Student exchange Process for Short and Longterm programmes.
Pandemic Presented Opportunities - We went Virtual and deployed solutions to achieve some key Milestones
1. Supported the first sucessful virtual Placements at IIT Bombay, IIM Kozhikode in India.
2. Skynet Platform was used by 200 + MNCs, supporting ~50K virtual Interviews in all the Placement Cycles of 10+ Premier Institutions of India.
3. 20K Plus students in 50 plus Graduate programmes used Registro Course Bidding Software to select their electives while staying in their homes all over India.
4. EDTEX team, designed and operationally executed the IC Digital Operations Internship in collaboration with ISB Hyderabad.
4. EDTEX grew and scaled by 300% this Year.
Watch Here for insights on our Journey in year 2020
Transforming Skynet ot become more Comprehensive Integrated Solution
1. Skynet Platform supported digitized End to Placements at IIM Ahmedabad.
2. Skynet at this point also Supported 50 plus placement cycles in Multiple Premier Schools in IIM, Private B-School and IIT segment.
3. ISB - EDTEX Digital Operations Internship was created in the first of its Kind to Recruit around 300 Operations. Interns from 6 Partner Universities in Hyderabad and Mohali to Manage the Digital Operations on Day 0 & 1 of Placements at ISB.
1. Started Transformation as a Compound SaaS company with specific focus on Unifying the customer expereince in Academic ERP Space.
2. IIM Bangalore onboarded completely to Skynet and became the second IIM to Digitize and Automate End to End placement process after IIM Ahmedabad.
3. ISB - EDTEX Digital Operations Internship had its second successful cycle of execution and EDTEX transferred the Production Playbook to ISB to continue the Programme execution for Future.
1. ISB Hyderabad Initiated and Completed the Digtial Transformation of End to End Placement process with Skynet.
2. XLRI Initiated and Completed End to End Placement process Digital Transformation with Skynet.
3. EDTEX qualified as a Level 4 startup in the Microsoft Startup Accelerator Program.
Larger Scope of Automation
1. Successfully deployed Registro Academic ERP, an integrated program office-friendly ERP, in the IIM segment.
2.Began implementing academic planning solutions for multiple new-generation business schools in the IIM segment and private institutions like GIM Goa.
3. Created the first Placement CRM for Skynet.Deployed process analytics products for various university stakeholders.
4.Developed unique AI algorithms that can handle university timetabling more efficiently.
5. Core focus on University Analytics Solutions: Implementing Functional Analytics solutions with Focus on serving Insights to Dean's, Programmes & Placement chairpersons.
Enhance User Experience and Value Outcomes by 5/5
Provide Unified UI/UX Experience to all Customers Onboarding and Using Comprehensive EDTEX University Academic ERP Suite with access to cross functional Analytics Insights for obtaining Operational efficiencies.
Expand our Customer base by 10X and Active Subscriptions by 30 Fold.
We aim to expand our services to 150+ HEIs supporting them in complete Academic Operations Digital Transformation involving more than 1 Million Students in a Academic Year.
Global Leadership
We aim to Transform into the leading provider of University Academic ERP systems globally, powered by unique and proprietary automation solutions.
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From Our Customers
Streamline processes & improved operational efficiencies.