Registro Elective Course Bidding Platform

The Most Student Friendly Academic Planning & Course Scheduling Platform

Complete Course Registraions with 100% Visibility

Support Open, Closed, Time Based and Preference Bidding Rounds in a Sinle Registration Window.

Manage Multi-Programme Registrations

Supports Course Registrations across multiple programs in a school in a single Registration window

Deploy Support Systems for a smoother on-baording

Reduce student queries by 99% providing them with 100% insights to successfully register into courses

Enroll in Courses with 100% Visibility

Avoid Scheduling Conflicts by 100%,Obtain Insights on >99% Probability of Success of Enrolment into favourite portfolio of courses [Electives, Workshops, Projects]

100+ Graduate Programmes in Top Institutions Globally

From Our Customers

Streamline processes & improved operational efficiencies.

The Team EDTEX successfully helped automate the Day Placement Process at XLRI that includes scheduling and real-time student tracking. During the pandemic time, they came up with an innovative Virtual Placements Automation Software that provided interfaces to students as well as companies. Using Skynet Virtual Placement solution, XLRI has conducted the Summer Internship Process (SIP) virtually.

Prof. Rajiv Misra
Placement Chairperson - XLRI

EDTEX - Skynet Product Team have rendered their services and support through Placement Automation Software for the Online Placement Process at IIM Bangalore since March 2020. The software has been successfully implemented and rendered

Prof. Dinesh Kumar
Placement Chairperson - IIM Bangalore

Team EDTEX did a great job in automating the comprehensive placement process of IIM Lucknow. Skynet helped streamline the entire placement process across the entities: recruiters, students, and the placement team and facilitated smooth communication flow. Skynet was proactive in terms of understanding the data requirements and their use cases to present them in easy to consume from.

Prof. Rajesh Aithal
Placement Chairperson - IIM Lucknow

We are happy to recommend the Course Bidding System software, which was developed by our student and alumnus Mr. Anil Kumar Vishwanadhula for IIMA.

Prof. Shailesh Gandhi
Dean Programmes - IIMA

IIMB is extremely satisfied with the efficient support being provided by the EDTEX team during the Course Bidding rounds and while scheduling the term Timetable.

Prof. Abhoy K Ohja 
Dean Programmes - IIMB

EDTEX did an excellent job of integrating and automating all the activities of our admissions process including shortlisting, scheduling of personnel interviews and generating the list of final selected candidates in an extremely user-friendly product.

Prof. Vishal Gupta
PGP Admissions Chair- IIMA

EDTEX team, led by Anil and Arun, worked closely with our team for the last two years in a row to make a successful pivot from physical recruitment processes to one that is completely driven online. The team has ideated and helped in successful execution of virtual placements for one of the largest recruitment drives in India. This year with 900 plus students in the ISB PGP Class of 22, the end-to end conceptualization and execution of digital placements was done in partnership with the Edtex team.

Uday Virmani
Senior Director CAS - ISB Hyderabad

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