Registro Timetable Automation Platform
Generate clash free timetables and manage the cross programme timetables with 100%
control and insights

Reduce Timetable Clashes by >95%
Using AI Powered Algorithms reduce the time of timetable generation within 60 minutes with data driven insights as done at IIM Bangalore, IIM kozhikode, IIM Lucknow and IIM Calcutta.
Supports efficient timetabling for multiple programs with a master scheduling interface with utility to schedule management.
Gain Insights into clashes and conduct rescheduling with complete control on the output.
Manage & Communicate Timetables with a click
Avoid Excel and Macros and Blackbox Workbooks which creating schedules without uderstanding the impact on the Faculty and Students and Infrastructure
100+ Graduate Programmes in Top Institutions Globally

From Our Customers
Streamline processes & improved operational efficiencies.
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Experience Automation powered Student Success with 10X Impact