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Why implement University Analytics Solutions?

Arun Korupolu

In the evolving landscape of higher education, universities are increasingly relying on data-driven insights to enhance decision-making processes, improve student outcomes, and optimize operational efficiency. University analytics solutions encompass a range of tools and techniques designed to analyze vast amounts of data generated within educational institutions. Leading consulting firms have extensively researched and developed strategies to implement these solutions effectively. This blog article delves into the best practices and recommendations from major consulting firms on implementing university analytics solutions.

Understanding University Analytics

University analytics involves the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data related to various aspects of university operations, including student performance, enrollment trends, faculty productivity, financial management, and campus infrastructure. By leveraging advanced analytics, universities can:

  • Enhance Student Success: Identify at-risk students early and provide targeted interventions.
  • Improve Course Offerings and Optimize course enrollments
  • Improve Enrolment Management: Optimize recruitment and retention strategies.
  • Improve Placement Process Outcomes: Optimize Placement Operations and with 100% visibility improve outcomes
  • Streamline Operations: Increase efficiency in Faculty resource allocation with Optimised Timetable Generation and Management

Key Recommendations from Consulting Firms

1. Accenture: Emphasizing Data Governance

Accenture highlights the importance of robust data governance frameworks to ensure data quality, privacy, and security. According to their report, universities must establish clear data governance policies, define data ownership, and implement data stewardship practices to maintain the integrity and accuracy of their analytics initiatives. Accenture also recommends investing in modern data infrastructure that supports scalable and flexible data integration.

2. Deloitte: Fostering a Data-Driven Culture

Deloitte emphasizes the need to cultivate a data-driven culture within the university. This involves training faculty, staff, and administrators on the value of data analytics and encouraging them to incorporate data insights into their decision-making processes. Deloitte's insights suggest that universities should develop comprehensive training programs and provide ongoing support to ensure widespread adoption of analytics tools.

3. PwC: Leveraging Advanced Analytics Technologies

PwC advises universities to adopt advanced analytics technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), to uncover deeper insights from their data. These technologies can enhance predictive analytics capabilities, enabling universities to anticipate student needs, optimize resource allocation, and improve academic outcomes. PwC also recommends partnering with technology vendors to access cutting-edge analytics solutions and expertise.

4. McKinsey & Company: Aligning Analytics with Strategic Goals

McKinsey & Company underscores the importance of aligning analytics initiatives with the university's strategic goals. Universities should define clear objectives for their analytics projects and ensure that these initiatives support broader institutional priorities, such as improving student retention rates or enhancing research capabilities. McKinsey advises universities to develop a strategic roadmap for analytics implementation, outlining key milestones and performance indicators.

Successful Implementation of University Analytics with Focus on Placement Process by EDTEX at XLRI Jamshedpur, IIM Bangalore

EDTEX specializes in providing cutting-edge analytics solutions tailored to the needs of educational institutions. By integrating data from various sources, EDTEX's platforms offer comprehensive insights that help universities streamline their operations and make data-driven decisions.


The primary objectives of implementing university analytics solutions at XLRI Jamshedpur, IIM Bangalore, and IIM Trichy were:

  1. Improving Placement Outcomes: Analyze historical placement data to identify trends and optimize placement strategies.
  2. Tracking and Reporting: Develop robust tracking and reporting mechanisms to monitor placement activities and outcomes.

Implementation Strategy

XLRI Jamshedpur

Objective: Enhance placement preparation and employer engagement.

Implementation: EDTEX implemented an analytics platform that integrated data from academic records, placement history, The Skynet Placement Automation platform provided insights into the skills and competencies most sought after by employers. Additionally, the platform streamlined the process of matching students with potential employers based on their profiles and preferences.

Outcome: XLRI Jamshedpur saw a significant improvement in placement rates and student satisfaction. The data-driven approach allowed for more targeted preparation, leading to better alignment between student skills and employer expectations.

IIM Bangalore

Objective: Optimize placement strategies and improve reporting.

Implementation: EDTEX’s Skynet analytics platform at IIM Bangalore focused on analyzing historical placement data to identify trends and patterns. This analysis helped in developing more effective placement strategies, such as identifying peak hiring periods and the most successful engagement tactics with employers. The platform also provided real-time tracking and reporting features, allowing the placement office to monitor progress and make adjustments as needed.

Outcome: IIM Bangalore experienced increased efficiency in its placement process. The ability to quickly analyze and act on data led to improved placement rates and more strategic employer engagements. The real-time reporting capabilities enhanced transparency and accountability in the placement process.


Implementing university analytics solutions is a transformative journey that can significantly enhance the operational efficiency and academic success of educational institutions. By following the best practices and recommendations from major consulting firms Accenture, Deloitte, PwC, and McKinsey & Company and Academic Operations Automation Players EDTEX with universities can harness the power of data to drive informed decision-making and achieve their strategic goals. As universities continue to evolve in the digital age, the adoption of advanced analytics will play a crucial role in shaping the future of higher education.

Elective Course Bidding

FAQ's on Course Bidding Process using Registro Platform

About Login into Registro Platform

  1. Which browser should I use to access the Course Bidding Portal?
    • Please use Google Chrome in Incognito mode.
  2. Can I use a mobile or iPad to log in to the Course Bidding portal?
    • It is recommended to use a laptop or a PC during the active bidding rounds. This makes it easier to navigate the portal when updating bids, adding courses, and dropping courses from your bidding consideration set.
  3. My login is not working. What can I do?

Scenario 1: Disable your ad blockers and ensure you are using Google Chrome in incognito mode. If the login issues persist, please contact Registro at Registro@edtex.in.

Scenario 2: Check if your email ID is registered in the system. The program office usually creates an account on your behalf. If your student account is not registered, the system will display a message indicating that you are not registered for the bidding term and you cannot log in.

Scenario 3: If your institute-specific credentials with Gmail or Microsoft Outlook are not working, try the following steps 1. Use the "Forgot password" on Registro Home page feature to receive a specific password for your account 2. Log in using your email as the username and the new password provided by Registro.

Bidding Process and Bid Points

  1. What is MRB?
    • MRB stands for Minimum Required Bid or the clearing price that allows you to win a course at a given moment of an active round. The MRB can increase with the demand for a course or stay the same.
  2. Can the MRB value be zero?
    • Yes, the MRB value can be zero if the number of students bidding is fewer than the total seats available.
  3. How can I reduce the bid points I have allotted?
    • You can reduce the bid points to the MRB level. For example, if the MRB is 50 points and you have placed 80 points, you can adjust your allocation to 50 points by entering the value in the bid cell.

Withdrawing Courses

  1. When can I withdraw a course from the Bidding Consideration Set?
    • You can withdraw from a losing course, and the bid points you placed will be reimbursed.
    • You can withdraw a winning course if you have placed zero bid points.
    • You cannot withdraw from a winning course if you have placed bid points greater than zero.
    • If the MRB is indicated as zero, you can reduce your bid points to zero and withdraw from a winning course.
  2. When can I withdraw from a winning course post a bidding round?
    • You can withdraw from a winning course after the bidding round is completed during the confirmation round.

Bid Points Management

  • Will my bid points be reimbursed if I lose a course in the bidding auction?
    • Yes, the points will be reimbursed.
  • Can I win a course with zero bid points?
    • Yes, if the demand for a course is less than the total available seats, you may win a seat with zero bid points. However, some institutes might require you to place a minimum bid of one point, so please check the policy.
  • Will my remaining bid points be carried forward to future semesters?
    • It depends on the policy of the university if it allows bid points to be carried forward.
Timetable Scheduling

What are the challenges faced by university staff due to the lack of IT and automation systems for efficient timetable generation and management?

Arun Korupolu
Jun 17, 2024

University staff often face numerous challenges due to the lack of IT and automation systems for efficient timetable generation and management. Here are some key pain points:

  • Time-Consuming Manual Processes:
    • Manual creation and management of timetables is highly time-consuming.
    • Staff have to handle large volumes of data, including course schedules, room availability, and instructor preferences.
  • High Risk of Human Error:
    • Manual entry increases the likelihood of errors, such as scheduling conflicts, double bookings, and missed classes.
    • Correcting these errors is often tedious and can disrupt the academic schedule.
  • Complex Coordination:
    • Coordinating between different departments, faculty members, and administrative units without automated systems can be chaotic.
    • Miscommunication and delays are common, leading to inefficiencies.
  • Difficulty in Handling Changes:
    • Last-minute changes, such as faculty availability, room changes, or student enrollment shifts, are hard to manage manually.
    • Updating timetables quickly and accurately becomes a major challenge.
  • Limited Data Analysis:
    • Without IT systems, it is difficult to analyze data for optimization, such as identifying underutilized resources or peak usage times.
    • Lack of insights can lead to inefficient use of resources and facilities.
  • Inadequate Communication:
    • Informing students and faculty about timetable changes manually is inefficient and prone to delays.
    • Ensuring everyone is up-to-date requires significant effort.
  • Reduced Flexibility:
    • Manual systems are rigid and make it difficult to accommodate special requests, such as personalized schedules for students with special needs.
    • Flexibility in course offerings and scheduling is often compromised.
  • Resource Allocation Issues:
    • Proper allocation of classrooms, labs, and other facilities is challenging without automated systems.
    • This often results in some resources being overbooked while others remain underutilized.
  • Inconsistent Documentation:
    • Keeping accurate and consistent records of timetables is difficult.
    • Inconsistent documentation can cause problems for future planning and auditing purposes.
  • Increased Workload:
    • Administrative staff experience increased workloads due to the repetitive and manual nature of timetable management tasks.
    • This can lead to staff burnout and decreased job satisfaction.
  • Student Dissatisfaction:
    • Errors and inefficiencies in timetable management directly affect students, causing dissatisfaction and potentially impacting their academic performance.
    • Difficulties in accessing up-to-date schedules can inconvenience students.
  • Lack of Scalability:
    • As universities grow, managing timetables manually becomes increasingly impractical.
    • Scalability issues hinder the institution’s ability to expand and adapt to new requirements.

Addressing these pain points through the implementation of IT and automation systems can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of timetable generation and management in universities.

To Know more about Digitizing the Automation of the Course Demand Estimation and Timetable Generation Automation Process at your Institution write to us at Registro@edtex.in

Placement Automation

What are the challenges students face in the Placement process at universities & business schools that lack modern IT systems?

Arun Korupolu
Jun 22, 2024

Students face numerous pain points during the placement process without proper IT systems, including:

  • Inefficient Communication:
    • Difficulty in staying updated with placement schedules, deadlines, and company announcements.
    • Miscommunication between placement cells and students regarding interview dates and requirements.
  • Data Management Challenges:
    • Manual handling of resumes, leading to errors and lost documents.
    • Inaccurate tracking of student applications and interview statuses.
  • Limited Access to Resources:
    • Inconsistent access to study materials, company profiles, and previous years’ interview experiences.
    • Lack of centralized platforms for accessing placement-related information.
  • Scheduling Conflicts:
    • Overlapping interview dates and times due to poor coordination.
    • Difficulty in managing multiple interviews and exams simultaneously.
  • Preparation Difficulties:
    • Inadequate information on skill requirements and job roles, hindering effective preparation.
    • Lack of mock tests and interview practice sessions.
  • Assessment and Feedback Issues:
    • Absence of systematic assessment tools to evaluate students’ readiness for placements.
    • Insufficient feedback from previous interviews to help improve future performance.
  • Application Process Complications:
    • Cumbersome and repetitive application processes for each company.
    • Errors in manual application submissions, leading to missed opportunities.
  • Tracking and Reporting Problems:
    • Difficulty in tracking individual progress and performance during the placement season.
    • Lack of comprehensive reports for placement cells to analyze and improve processes.
  • Stress and Anxiety:
    • Increased stress due to uncertainty and lack of organized information.
    • Anxiety from not having a clear view of the placement process and outcomes.
  • Accessibility Issues:
    • Students with disabilities facing additional barriers in accessing placement information and opportunities.
    • Inequitable access to placement resources for students in remote or under-resourced areas.
  • Networking Limitations:
    • Limited opportunities for students to connect with alumni and industry professionals.
    • Inadequate platforms for peer interaction and sharing of placement-related experiences.
  • Company Engagement:
    • Difficulty for companies to efficiently manage and sort through large volumes of student applications.
    • Ineffective communication between companies and the placement cell, leading to potential misunderstandings.
  • Time Management:
    • Excessive time spent on manual processes, reducing time available for preparation and skill development.
    • Poor time allocation for each stage of the placement process, causing delays and bottlenecks.

Addressing these pain points with proper IT systems can significantly streamline the placement process, making it more efficient, transparent, and less stressful for students.

To Know more about Digitizing the Automation of the Placements Process at your Institution write to us at Skynet@edtex.in

Elective Course Bidding

What challenges do students face in course bidding and enrollment at universities and business schools that lack adequate digital infrastructure?

Arun Korupolu
Jun 23, 2024

Students often encounter several challenges during the course bidding process. Here are some common pinpoints:

  • Limited Course Availability: Courses with high demand may have limited seats, making it difficult for all interested students to enroll.
  • Unclear Priorities: Students may struggle to prioritize courses due to unclear information about course content, workload, or the importance of the course for their major.
  • Timing Conflicts: Scheduling conflicts can arise, making it hard for students to bid on and enroll in all the desired courses without overlapping class times.
  • Technical Issues: Problems with the bidding system, such as slow loading times or crashes, can impede the bidding process.
  • Budget Constraints: Many bidding systems use a point or credit budget, and students must strategically allocate their limited resources, which can be stressful and lead to suboptimal course choices.
  • Inequity in Bidding Power: Students in higher years or with more credits might have an advantage, creating an unequal playing field for newer or younger students.
  • Lack of Information: Inadequate information about course details, professor reputation, or past student feedback can make it difficult for students to make informed decisions.
  • Pressure and Stress: The competitive nature of course bidding can lead to high levels of stress and anxiety among students.
  • Changes in Course Offerings: Courses being added or removed last minute can disrupt students’ plans and bidding strategies.
  • Manual Errors: Mistakes made during the bidding process, such as incorrect course codes or insufficient bids, can result in not securing desired courses.
  • Strategic Uncertainty: Students may be uncertain about how much to bid on a course to secure a spot without overbidding, leading to potential inefficiency in bid allocation.
  • Time Zone Differences: For international students or those studying remotely, time zone differences can make it challenging to participate in real-time bidding.
  • Course Prerequisites: Issues with meeting prerequisites can prevent students from enrolling in advanced courses they are interested in.

Addressing these challenges requires improvements in the bidding system's design, better information dissemination, and support structures to guide students through the process.

To Know more about Digitizing the Automation of the Course Enrolment and Course Bidding Process at your Institution write to us at Registro@edtex.in

Timetable Scheduling

Why the University Timetable generation needs be Automated and Digitized?

Arun Korupolu
Feb 12, 2024

University timetable scheduling refers to the process of creating schedules for classes, exams, and other university events. This task can be complex and time-consuming, but automation software can significantly streamline the process. Timetable scheduling automation and management software considers various factors for minimising clashes with a clash free scheduling approach

The various data inputs that are considered including:

  • Course offerings
  • Faculty availability
  • Faculty Preferences
  • Room availability
  • Student preferences
  • Student course registrations
  • Active class time slots
  • Active weekdays
  • Holidays

Benefits of Automating University Timetable Scheduling

Automating the university timetable scheduling process offers several key benefits:

  • Time and Effort Savings: Automation reduces the significant time and effort traditionally required to create schedules manually.
  • Minimized Scheduling Conflicts: Automated systems help minimize scheduling conflicts by efficiently managing available resources.
  • Increased Efficiency: Automation improves the overall efficiency of the scheduling process.
  • Fairness and Equity: Data-driven scheduling ensures that schedules are fair and equitable, considering critical factors like faculty workload and student preferences.

Types of Scheduling Software

There are various types of software available for automating university timetable scheduling, ranging from simple spreadsheet-based solutions to sophisticated AI-driven systems. Each type has its strengths and weaknesses:

  • Spreadsheet-Based Solutions: These can be prone to data errors and might not handle complex scheduling scenarios well.
  • AI-Based Scheduling Systems: These Timetable Automation systems such a Registro Timetable Scheduler use advanced algorithms to generate optimal schedules and can handle more complex scheduling requirements.

Integration with University Systems

Modern Timetable Scheduling Automation softwares can integrate with other university ERP systems, such as:

  • Student Registration Systems
  • Course Management Systems
  • Course Bidding Systems

This integration provides a seamless Timetable scheduling experience, Course Registration Experience for all stakeholders, ensuring that the entire Timetable scheduling process is Automated, Digitized with 100% visibility on clashes with provision for manual intervention for managing operational business scenarios on the ground.


Automating university timetable scheduling can greatly enhance the scheduling process, making it more efficient and effective. This automation allows universities to better manage their resources, reduce conflicts, and ensure that schedules are fair and meet the needs of all stakeholders, ultimately supporting the expansion of program offerings and improving overall university operations.

Placement Automation

7 + Key Insights that any Placecom Team and Office will need to efficiently handle the end to end placement process

Arun Korupolu
Mar 4, 2024

Context of Placement Analytics and their useful Applications

Having access to day-wise process performance data can provide updated insights, allowing for timely corrective actions when processes deviate. These corrective actions can significantly enhance the placement process experience for all stakeholders in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Key Process Analytics dashboards can serve the following three key stakeholders:

  • Placements Chair
  • Placements Office Team
  • Placecomm Team

Key Objectives for Process Data Insights

Process data insights can shed light on several key objectives for the Placements Office and the Placecomm team:

  1. Students’ Work Domain Interest: Understand the areas of interest for students to tailor placement activities.
  2. Company-wise Participation Detail: Analyze the participation of companies based on Job Descriptions (JDs) posted and shortlists provided.
  3. Student Profile Validation: Track the validation status of student profiles.
  4. Application Size Analysis: Segment student applications by prior work experience and domain interest.
  5. Shortlist Size Analysis: Segment student shortlists by their domain of interest.
  6. Offer Status: Monitor the status of offers made to students, segmented by domain interest.
  7. Overall Recruitment Process: Gain a holistic view of the recruitment process.

Actionable Insights from Placement Process Analytics

From the placement process analytics, several actionable insights can be derived:

  1. Engage Students with Low Application and Shortlist Counts: Identify and support students with fewer applications and shortlists to boost their chances of success.
  2. Monitor Company Interview Durations: Identify companies that deviate from the standard interview durations on interview days and address these deviations.
  3. Understand Application Behavior: Analyze student application behavior towards various industry domains to optimize placement strategies.
  4. Track Student Participation: Monitor student participation in the placement process and track their application success and rejection metrics.
  5. Identify Industry Hotspots: Determine the industry domains that attract the most student interest and focus efforts on engaging more recruiters in these areas.

By leveraging these insights, the Placecomm team can make informed decisions and take proactive measures to enhance the placement process.

Contact Us

To learn more about digitizing and automating the placements process at your institution, write to us at Skynet@edtex.in.

Academic Operations Automation

What critical Insights on Elective Courses can Business Schools obtain from Demand Estimation Survey?

Arun Korupolu
Mar 26, 2024

When academic processes are digitized, every process execution generates valuable data. This automation provides insights that can be analyzed regularly to enhance student-centric offerings and improve the efficiency of various academic program office activities.

The data generated can be analyzed at multiple levels, including individual students, specific programs, and custom parameters defined by the program offices and stakeholders. Here are some key applications of this data analysis:

Electives on Demand:

  • Identify elective courses and workshops that are in high demand among students.
  • Detect courses with low demand and consider excluding them from future offerings.
  • Enable program offices to plan additional sessions for in-demand elective courses and adjust schedules accordingly.
  • Prepare Data Driven Timetables minimizing clashes for students accounting Faculty Time-slot preferences.
  • Enhance the available course enrolment options for students by at least a factor of 10.
  • Increase course enrolments.
  • Improve course offering quality.

Student Credit Registration Tracker:

  • Monitor students' success rates in registering for the minimum required elective credits each semester.

Waitlist Measurement and Add & Drop Tracker:

  • Identify electives with possibility for long waitlists and track courses with high drop rates after the first class.

Measure Auction Intensity:

  • Identify courses with possibility for clearing bid prices in bidding round using the pre-bidding demand parameters for all electives and courses.
Process Analytics Dashboard Applications

By analyzing anonymized process data, high-level insights can be derived, particularly concerning bidding outcomes. This allows program offices to identify demand trends for various electives. Here are some specific insights that can be gained:

  • Elective-wise demand estimation
  • Survey data analysis for electives offered in a semester or term

To learn more about designing the elective bidding process and creating objectives from process analytics exercises at your institution, please contact us at Registro@edtex.in.

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